‘Tis the season of taxes (in case you missed all of those 1099s, W9s, and other 9s rolling into your mailbox lately). Taxes = The Law. End of story (just ask Martha Stewart). And speaking of legal–ahem–racking your brain to figure out hairy scary things like contracts, agreements, terms, privacy policies, disclaimers, and all those other things a small business owner needs is overwhelming / horrifying / intimidating /frustrating / insanity-producing. (And, let’s face it–sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know.)
Hiring an attorney is also a pretty penny. (That you might not have right now.) Annnddddd, of course, this is why most people ignore their business’ legal needs altogether. (Cue: Jaws theme song.)
But at the same time, while you want to do things right, you probably don’t want to spend your time learning how to be a lawyer, either. (Gag.) You just want to get the information you need, to take care of the legal stuff correctly and quickly, so you can get back to doing the work you love.
Enter my saving grace (and maybe yours, too): Small Business Bodyguard.

This is THE tool I use in my own business and I want to share it with you, because sharing is caring, after all. Wink.
Who’s it for? Well…
- For anyone starting a business.
- Selling something online.
- Selling something offline.
- Running a website.
- Pitching services.
- Writing eBooks.
- Launching products.
- Hiring web designers / copywriters / VAs / interns / contractors.
- Collaborating with others.
- And selling anything to anybody. (Even if it’s only an innocent little PDF and your mom is the only customer.)
If any of these describe you, then YOU NEED TO GET YOUR LEGAL DUCKS IN A ROW.
One of my favorite things about it is that the material isn’t like reading a law textbook – in fact, it’s the opposite, deliberately presented to be user-friendly (and laugh-out-loud hilarious.) I promise, there is no mind-numbingly boring legalese you have to worry about. Just straight forward information that is sure to help you cover your ass—and actually enjoy it. 😉
The kicker: If you had a lawyer draft the contracts & agreements that are included in Small Business Bodyguard, it would cost you over $5,000 alone. Now, compare that to the cost of $275 for Small Business Bodyguard, and it’s an obvious no brainer. Double bonus for the fact that it’s a complete write-off expense so, yeah…. no-brainer.
Check it out here to see what I mean.