COMMITMENT: Here I am! I, Val Rosile, hereby commit to sharing myself with you every Tuesday. Yep. You’ll be hearing from me weekly now. None of this “well I haven’t really had anything to say so why waste their time”. That’s BS. I’m here, I’m committed, I’m yours.
CLARITY: So, let’s get down to brass tacks. Clarity is massive – it’s what wakes you up and makes you realize you just HAVE TO write that book, teach that class, have lunch with your sister, go for a run, spend more time with your kids, and on and on and on. Clarity is what got me here – back to you and to the ones I love. In the past week I have gotten really clear on one BIG thing: love. I love you. I love my business. I love sharing a piece of myself with you on the regular. I love that you can ask for forgiveness and actually get it. (there is also a big list of things I love that include vintage dinner plates, sticky rice, dogs with smushed noses, and hand-tied flowering teas, but I won’t get into that now) My clarity on love has brought me back to you, to what’s important, and to where my biz will really rock. See, when you take a moment/week/month/year to get clear, you can once again connect with what really matters, to what you love.
And I love you. That fact is crystal clear.