Memory is selective, not just some of the time, but at all times. If I want to store something in my Bank of Memory, I choose to. I work hard, study it, listen, and remember. Plain and simple. And then there are the things I choose to store elsewhere, to give up to someone/thing else to remember. I outsource it.
I start here.
I also go here.
And here.
The more we have/want to remember, the more technology jumps in to help us.
According to psychologists, 7 is the magic number (plus or minus 2) that our brain is capable of remembering at one time. Phone numbers: 7 digits. Social Security number: 9. Not remembering long strings of numbers or letters is not a sign of old age or neuro issues – it’s a matter of science!
Does outsourcing my memory make that item not important to me? Absolutely not. It makes it that much more important to store it and call it up whenever I need it.
En Vogue said “Free your mind, and the rest will follow.” I am so with you, girls. By outsourcing something simple to technology, I can do exactly that.