How do I know this? I set goals and live into them. And I have a game plan. A roadmap of what I am going to do when, who I’m gonna consult and work with (yep, coaches have coaches) to get it done, and projections for my future fundage. It’s a badass creative business plan.
“But, Val, I hate spreadsheets!”
“OMG. I can’t stand crunching numbers. Can’t someone do that for me?”
“What about living into possibility? Too much planning gets in my way of all the universe has to bring me.”
Hm. Too bad, nope, and don’t try to put my words back into my own mouth. If you have a goal of starting your own business, getting out of debt, sending your kids to college, buying a new car, house, or even a pair of jeans, you HAVE to have a plan of how you are gonna get there. Business=money. Let the dollars take control and you lose. Because they are made of paper and cotton and you are made of so much more (like awesomesauce). Do you have to be a Quickbooks wiz or build a formal business plan that makes you zzzzz or throw up? Not at all, my creative friend. It’s your business/goal/life so write your own plan! Throw out the book and get creative like this:
Need a roadmap idea? No problem-o. I’ve got ya covered! Now go get creative with your business, your plan, your freakin’ everything! As my girl Tina Turner once said: “Sometimes you’ve got to let everything go – purge yourself. If you are unhappy with anything . . . whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it. Because you’ll find that when you’re free, your true creativity, your true self comes out.”