Danielle LaPorte suggests that you stop keeping a to-do list. D is a freakin’-brilliant-rock-my-socks-off-with-mere-words goddess of L.O.V.E. so I gave it a try. I kicked my to-do list habit. And it went horribly wrong. {or maybe really right so keep reading…}
When I stopped keeping track of everything I had to do, I lost focus. Big time. My time management went out the window. I spent HOURS working on a simple project because I was distracted by Facebook, Twitter, and my emails. Oh, the emails. And I lost IT. My entire business started to vanish before me and it made me a nervous wreck. Self-doubt and self-rejection crept in and I began to listen to those small voices, the ones that tell me I can’t do it all. {for the record, they are wrong} I can, if fact, do it all and then some.
See, I let the small voices take over and run my life and my business. But they don’t run either of those things, I do. So I took responsibility for what I left un-done, re-started my to-do list {because sometimes I straight up put hair gel on my toothbrush so I need to write things down and that’s okay} and asked for help. Well, I didn’t exactly ask, but I went searching and found Michelle Ward’s amazeballs {her word, loved and borrowed} list of programs that help her get s#*t done and the lovely little site called Freckle. You guys, Freckle saved me. Time: managed. List: accomplished. Biz: back on track.
Is Danielle wrong? Not a bit. Dropping your to-do list works for some. Focus and a little assistance works for others.
But, the most important thing is: small voices work for NO ONE.
So what do you need to be bigger than your small voice?