Six years ago I worked for a non-profit. A beautiful little botanical garden filled with acres and acres of flowers. The core staff was about 35 people who filled about 82 jobs. How? Many hats, babe. And, look, I love an accessory as much as the next girl so I was a hat wearin’ fool. Event planning? Check. Sales? Check. Fundraisers? Double Check. Train the Intern? Absolutely Check. My little department of 3 people produced over 300 weddings in one year, planned and ran large scale fundraising events, and did some outside sales calls in our, um, down time. Was it hard work? Hells yes. Was it a slammin’ good time? Uh huh. We loved it! So much, in fact, that several of the beautiful people I worked with those 6 years ago arestill there! So why did I leave? What took me away from that incredible job?
There was no where to go, nothing to build, no more income to produce, and limits limits limits.
I don’t like limits.
The very same skills that make me an awesome employee (like: tell me something can’t be done and I’ll show you how it can… three different ways) also make me the worst employee ever. Why? Because every job has limits: a boss, a budget, a schedule, a plan. And none of them are in your control. Even in that non-profit-everybody-pitch-in-and-we-all-work-together-to-make-it-awesome world, limits stalwart visions.
Today, nothing is limiting. Sure, maybe right this second I can’t fly off to Peru for a two week trek on a whim or run out and buy that new laptop I want (but don’t need). As an entrepreneur, those aren’t limits though. They are simply where I am at right now. My vision can be one of South American voyages if I set my business up to support that. My budget, my schedule, my plan are all mine. My friend Jim at Bold Hive says being a business owner is the best job security there is – the possibility of what you want to create (what you envision) is endless.
Without limits, my vision is free to create and build and yep, aspire and grow. (cheesy, I know)
And this is why I do what I do. Why I get up every morning, help my incredible clients do the work they so love to do, fuel the fire that is my business, and keep going.
My vision is clear. Now I want to know yours.
Head over to the Facebook page and share your vision without limits. Our community is vast and wide and you never know who might see your vision and want to know more. The opportunity awaits.