“If A equals success,
then the formula is A = X + Y & Z,
with X being work, Y being play,
and Z being keeping your mouth shut.”
– Albert Einstein
.he is one smart cookie.
Look, I know you want to be heard just as much as the next guy. Consider, though that listening makes people want to hear more from you. Listening {focusing on that person, hearing them, and not thinking about your own agenda} requires a lot of focus and open clear brain space. Need help clearing it all out?
Write down your to-do list
Go to yoga
Read something inspirational
Record a voice memo to yourself
Doodle a panorama of the pictures in your head
Call your mom on your way to the meeting
Talk a walk and breathe in the fresh air
Jam to some tunes in the car {classical, rap, soul jazz, whatevs}
Lift weights and get your blood flowing
Chat it out with the barista when you order your latte
Grab a bite of food {it does wonders for mental focus}
Get crafty – occupying your brain with a creative project leaves room for little else
Clearing your head makes you open to listen, and listening is ultimately what will help you be heard by others. Magic, huh?
“We have two ears and one mouth,
so we should listen more than we say.”
– Zeno of Citium
What do you do to clear your head? Share with me here– I want to hear you!